Técnica y Poética

De Casiopea
Revisión del 14:41 29 may 2011 de Jaime.reyes (discusión | contribs.) (Página creada con '{{Publicación |Título=Técnica y Poética, las preguntas de amereida |Año=2001 |Autor=Jaime Reyes, |Tipo de Publicación=Inédito |Palabras Clave=poética, técnica, amereid...')
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TítuloTécnica y Poética, las preguntas de amereida
AutorJaime Reyes
Tipo de PublicaciónInédito
Palabras Clavepoética, técnica, amereida
Carreras RelacionadasArquitectura, Diseño Gráfico"Diseño Gráfico" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property., Diseño Industrial"Diseño Industrial" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property., Náutico y Marítimo"Náutico y Marítimo" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property., Ciudad y Territorio"Ciudad y Territorio" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property.


This Article is about the relationship that exists between technique and poetry; explained from the opened horizons by means of a fable that appears in an epic poem written forty years ago: Amereida.

The fable is accompanied by several fundamental questions caused by the unknown of poetry, it outlines the fact of America facing itself, and in front of the americans themselves. Questions that still remain lucid and necessary nowadays. The above mentioned questions, coming from a poem, cannot be solved by the simple logic of the ordinary, common language. But it is not about trying to decipher them with the elaboration of sophisticated academic arguments, nor getting a literary approximation to this relation between technology and poetry. It is about proposing a point of view from which it is possible to undertake the construction of a world. The poetic questions do not appear demanding a response to solve them, but they are chanted in order to remain always thrown towards the unknown openings, trying to get new fields for mankind. The poetical word is located in a point of reality from where it is possible to begin not only to understand the technique, but even to create it. The epic experience of poetry indicates everyone, no matter their job, a way of relating with technique. The relation between technique and poetry is deeply fructiferous. Our technical tasks will be better only if we can listen to the poetical chant that calls us towards the creation of a world.