MediaFranca: Rediseñando el Modelo Democrático

De Casiopea
Revisión del 18:05 15 jun 2020 de Hspencer (discusión | contribs.)
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TítuloMediaFranca: Rediseñando el Modelo Democrático
AutorHerbert Spencer
CoautoresRejane Spitz
Tipo de PublicaciónActa de Seminario
CiudadSanta Fe, Argentina
Palabras Clavee-democracy, e-government, social software, interaction design, metadesign, mediafranca
Área de InvestigaciónForma, Cultura y Tecnología
ISBN: 978-987-657-679-6
Carreras RelacionadasDiseño Gráfico"Diseño Gráfico" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property.

Citizen engagement in public affairs is at the core of a healthy democracy. Nonetheless we must recognize that this is not often the case, and when it occurs it may not always be inclusive, coherent or constructive. While various digital services and social networks have created a new mode of public conversation, they have proved to be insufficient. The problem of democracy is way beyond the reach of an individual service or platform if we don’t agree in a general framework for a digital open-mesh for democracy. As we identify the necessity for a new mode of participation, we examine social-interaction patterns for public deliberation and collaboration for presenting a general design framework for e-government structured around user-experience and social co-experience.