Eduardo Arratia Tarea 11 Fibonacci

De Casiopea
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TítuloEduardo Arratia Tarea 11 Fibonacci
Tipo de ProyectoProyecto de Curso
Palabras Clavetarea 11
Del CursoImagen Escrita 2012,
Alumno(s)Eduardo Arratia
Espiral de Fibonacci que se va delimitando poco a poco
 // large version
// second attempt at a fibonacci spiral
// first attempt was great, but used rotation,
// which is expensive and imprecise
// here's the beginning of the fibonacci sequence...
// 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

void setup() {
size(610, 385);
int[] s = new int[3];
int tmp, phase;
float speed;
void draw() {
// clear the screen to a nice green
background(120, 180, 180);
// initialize variables
s[0] = 0;
s[1] = 0; // first number of the fibonacci sequence
s[2] = 1; // second number of the fibonacci sequence
phase = 0; // simple counter; use this to apply fx to the boxes linearly
speed = 0.01; // speed of the effects

// set the origin at the end of the spiral
translate(442, 272 );
// flip vertically to match my logo
scale(1.0, -1.0);
// this loop constructs the spiral
// basically, draw a square of side s,
// rotate 90deg, calculate the new s0 and s,
// move up s0 + s, and repeat...
while (s[2] < 500) {
// use a sin function to give us some nice undulating effects
float wave = sin((frameCount + phase*20) * speed) + 1.0;
// styles for the arcs
fill(0,0, wave * 30,10); // undulating transparent black fill
stroke(wave * 255); // undulating white stroke

// draw the quarter-circles inside the squares
// set the stroke weight to 2 for the arc that makes the spiral
if (phase % 4 == 0) strokeWeight(2); else strokeWeight(1/2);
arc(s[2], s[2], 2*s[2], 2*s[2], PI, 3*PI/2.0);
if (phase % 4 == 1) strokeWeight(2); else strokeWeight(1/2);
arc(0, s[2], 2*s[2], 2*s[2], -PI/2.0, 0);
if (phase % 4 == 2) strokeWeight(2); else strokeWeight(1/2);
arc(0, 0, 2*s[2], 2*s[2], 0, PI/2.0);
if (phase % 4 == 3) strokeWeight(2); else strokeWeight(1/2);
arc(s[2], 0, 2*s[2], 2*s[2], PI/2.0, PI);
// styles for the squares
stroke(255, 255, 255, 255);
// draw the square
rect(0, 0, s[2], s[2]);
// calculate the next number in the fibonacci sequence
tmp = s[2];
s[2] += s[1];
s[0] = s[1];
s[1] = tmp;
// translate to get in position for the next square
switch(phase % 4) {
case 0:
translate(s[1], 0);
case 1:
translate(-s[0], s[1]);
case 2:
translate(-s[2], -s[0]);
case 3:
translate(0, -s[2]);