Curated Panel: Design Hegemonies for Development

De Casiopea
Revisión del 14:40 14 jun 2022 de Dsalgado (discusión | contribs.)
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TítuloCurated Panel: Design Hegemonies for Development
ProfesoresDaniela Salgado, Álvaro Mercado
Otros ParticipantesMela Zuljevic
DescripciónCurated Panel in the frame of the 2021 DHS Annual Conference
Rol de la EscuelaParticipante
Rol de la ContraparteResponsable
EventoMemory Full? Reimagining the Relations Between Design and History
Palabras Clavehistoria del diseño, teoría del diseño, crítica del diseño

This panel aims to discuss how design, widely associated with progress, industrialism and globalism, has exercised a hegemonic force through a Western idea of ‘development’ while expanding its branches in heritage, urbanisation, and cultural production. Thus, despite the idea of development being highly criticized within academic circles, there is still a tendency to perpetuate a universal, and temporally hierarchical vision of the world imposing uniform criteria to everyone taking part in the development project, where design has had a fundamental role. Considering history, heritage and tradition as uses of the past which, together with the aspirations for a better future present key elements in shaping ‘design projects’, this panel aims to explore how design discourses have provided narratives and valuation for ‘development visions’, specifically in the context of heritage-making and urbanisation. By articulating different epistemologies and ontologies of design, we expect to put in tension the hegemonic forces for development in design policies and discourses with how they reduce the pluriversal design visions by universalising impositions. By searching for an ‘otherness’, inherent to all design projects, we expect to deploy the past as a challenging site for imagining development otherwise: this is the inclusion of pluriversal perspectives that expand the design actors and methods beyond the manifestations of Western development criteria. By presenting different sites of contestation and by highlighting other modes of design in case studies from Western Europe and South America – distinct to those of dominant discourses – these contributions emphasise the contextual particularities that can provide historical design precedents for imagining other ways of being and making, as emergent alternatives to counter universalising development discourse.