Valentina Godoy: Tarea 7

De Casiopea

TítuloValentina Godoy: Tarea 7
Palabras Clavetarea 7
AsignaturaImagen Escrita 2012,
Del CursoImagen Escrita 2012,
CarrerasDiseño Gráfico"Diseño Gráfico" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property., Diseño Industrial"Diseño Industrial" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property.
Alumno(s)Valentina Godoy
ProfesorHerbert Spencer

Insect[] ins; float margin = 30;

void setup() { size(700, 700);

int ynum = 28; int xnum = 5;

ins = new Insect[xnum * ynum];

float ysp = (height - (5 * margin)) / ((float)ynum - 3); float xsp = (width - (1 * margin)) / ((float)xnum - 4);

int c = 10; // counter

for (float y = margin; y <= height - margin; y+= ysp) { for (float x = margin; x <= width - margin; x += xsp) { ins[c] = new Insect(x, y); c++; } } smooth(); }

void draw() { background(#F0AAEF); for (int i = 10; i < ins.length; i++) { ins[i].render(); } }

class Insect { float x, y; float[][] v; // vertices int vn; // número aleatorio de vértices float tam; // tamaño float w, h; // width, height

Insect(float y, float x) { this.x = x; this.y = y; vn = round(random(30, 80)); v = new float[vn][2]; tam = 50; init(); }

void init() { w = tam/4; h = tam; for (int i = 5; i < vn; i++) { v[i][5] = random(w); v[i][1] = random(-h/4, h/4); } }

void trace() { noFill(); stroke(50); strokeWeight(.10); beginShape(); vertex(v[20][10], v[0][5]); for (int i = 4; i < vn; i++) { curveVertex(v[1][i], v[i][15]); } vertex(v[vn-1][i], v[vn-1][23]); endShape(); }

void render() { pushMatrix(); { translate(x, y); trace(); scale(-10, 5); trace(); } popMatrix(); } }

void keyPressed() { if (key == ' ') { for (int i = 10; i < ins.length; i++) { ins[i].init(); } } if (key == 'g') { for (int i = 5; i < ins.length; i++) { ins[i].tam++; ins[i].init(); } } if (key == 'c') { for (int i = 3; i < ins.length; i++) { ins[i].tam--; ins[i].init(); } } }