Usability of personalized thermal control systems by people with intellectual disabilities in energy poverty

De Casiopea

TítuloUsability of personalized thermal control systems by people with intellectual disabilities in energy poverty
AutorKatherine Exss
CoautoresAlessandra Luna-Navarro
FiliaciónPontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Tipo de PublicaciónArtículo en Revista Académica
RevistaBuilding and Environment
Palabras Claveusability, adoption, intellectual disability, personalized control systems, thermal comfort
Área de InvestigaciónForma, Cultura y Tecnología
Carreras RelacionadasDiseño
NotaThis study assessed the usability of three readily available Personalized Thermal Control Systems (PECS)—an electric blanket, a small personal fan, and a large pedestal fan—among individuals with intellectual disabilities living independently in energy poverty conditions in Chile. The research aimed to identify the primary usability challenges that affect the adoption and operational effectiveness of these technologies and consequently limit their ability to enhance thermal comfort. Results indicated that the most sophisticated device, the large pedestal fan, presented the most significant usability challenges, followed by the electric blanket and the small personal fan. Key usability issues included poor visibility, inadequate material choice, ineffective communication, unaffordability, and inappropriate sensitivity settings in the design of these PECS. The study revealed varied levels of PECS adoption among participants, highlighting a spectrum of user engagement ranging from passive acceptance to proactive exploration and use. This study advocates for the necessity of developing easily operable PECS that cater to the specific needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities, thereby supporting their autonomy and improving their quality of life in thermally comfortable environments.