Towards Design Decoloniality : Untangling Decolonial Thinking to build Design Pluriversity
Título | Towards Design Decoloniality : Untangling Decolonial Thinking to build Design Pluriversity |
Año | 2019 |
Autor | Daniela Salgado, Álvaro Mercado |
Tipo de Publicación | Ponencia |
Ciudad | Bruselas, Bélgica |
Páginas | 21 |
Palabras Clave | decoloniality; design; modernity/coloniality; transition; ontologies |
Área de Investigación | Forma, Cultura y Tecnología |
Línea | Forma y Expresión |
Carreras Relacionadas | Arquitectura, Diseño, Diseño Industrial"Diseño Industrial" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property. |
Nota | Esta ponencias formó parte del Seminaire Formation Doctorale 2019-2020; Reserche en Développment, organizado por la Faculté d'architecture La Cambre Horta, Université libre de Bruxelles, Bélgica. |
The following document is an extended version of what was presented on the session Decolonial Thinking: Untangling perspectives from the South, during the Doctoral Formation on Development. The purpose of this contribution is two- folded: in the first part, we examine the genealogy of 'decolonial theory', followed by a synthesis of its main insights and a conceptual revision of the fundamental for the current decolonial debate. To conclude, we describe how this epistemic and ontological turn sheds lights on the production of relational ways of knowing and practicing when facing the contemporary planetary crisis. The second part focuses on how decolonial thinking has been linked to the critical domains of post- development theory and new emergent design approaches. Following the arguments in the invention of the ‘development’ discourse and its hegemonic imposition that somehow are under the umbrella of ‘modern design’, we intend to deploy new decolonial alternatives that shape the new conceptual matrix of design, which includes terms as defuturing, border thinking, autonomy, and care. Summarizing, by untangling the decolonial thought we intend to present an alternative focus on the debates about modernity, globalization and development through the visualization of ontological and epistemological perspective coming from the peripheries, like those emerging in Latin-American. Thus, we deploy their attempt to transcend ‘coloniality’ and to overcome the current focus on ‘development’ by presenting diverse understanding and practices that emerge from ‘spaces of difference’ and which contribute to settling a more ‘relational’ and pluriversal approach in design studies.