The School of Valparaiso: Poetics and Hospitality in the Making

De Casiopea
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TítuloThe School of Valparaiso: Poetics and Hospitality in the Making
AutorDaniela Salgado, Álvaro Mercado
Tipo de PublicaciónPonencia
Área de InvestigaciónEducación, Espacio y Aprendizaje
LíneaFormación y Oficio

Founded on the encounter between modern poetry, performative architecture, and Abstract-concrete-invention art, the School of Architecture and Design of Valparaíso (PUCV) has based its training of these disciplines on the generation of "hospitality" through a poetic approach that intends to reflect, to design and to build for conviviality. In this context, this conference/discussion aims to explore the direct engagement in the building practices shaping the architectonic and design projects for hospitality produced by the School of Valparaiso in three main spaces: the travesías de Amereida in the South American continent, the Ciudad Abierta and the city of Valparaiso. Through this discussion, we want to open a space to reflect on the co-building experience that we will develop during the SIP, shedding light on different questions about designing and making. Dans le cadre du workshop SIP.21.11 "Syncity"