Levels of self-determination in the aging population with intellectual disabilities

De Casiopea

TítuloLevels of self-determination in the aging population with intellectual disabilities
AutorIzaskun Álvarez-Aguado, Vanessa Vega Córdova, Herbert Spencer, Félix González Carrasco, Marcela Jarpa Azagra, Katherine Exss
Tipo de PublicaciónArtículo en Revista Académica
RevistaBritish Journal of Learning Disabilities
EditorialJohn Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Palabras Claveadulthood; aging; intellectual disability; self-determination
Área de InvestigaciónEducación, Espacio y Aprendizaje
Carreras RelacionadasDiseño Gráfico"Diseño Gráfico" is not in the list (Arquitectura, Diseño, Magíster, Otra) of allowed values for the "Carreras Relacionadas" property., Otra

Self-determination is a key construct to guarantee the development of skills that allow people with disabilities to acquire control over their lives. However, people with intellectual disabilities may have from premature aging processes that make it difficult to exercise these skills. This study seeks to determine the self-determination levels of 516 aging adults with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 45 and 86 years. The data were collected with an ad hoc scale developed from the Functional Model of Self-Determination. The results show that competencies related to self-advocacy and self-knowledge greatly decreased, unlike making choices and solving problems. In addition, the severity of the disability, age, place of residence, and type of support are identified as variables associated with levels of self-determination. The discussion emphasizes the need to prioritize the acquisition and maintenance of skills related to self-realization as the basis for intervention proposals in self-determination.